Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Little Salesman

It's quite possible that Jake watches too much tv. I will admit that. My question is, are other children as obsessed with infomercials as he is? For about 2 years now, he has been bugging me to get him some of those water globes to water the plants with, I say we, no, scratch that, Mark does just fine watering the plants with a cup of water. He has told me before that if we had a Snuggie, I could hold him and be covered up with a blanket all at the same time. He wants me to have a Shoes Under and wants me to know that I can get 2 of them for the price of 1...AND that means I can store 80 shoes under the bed. I told him that Daddy doesn't want us to put stuff under our beds. To that he replied "you can also use it to store shoes in the closet." When I was sweeping the floor Friday, he said, in the most serious tone of voice, "Mama, that broom won't get into the corners! Do you know what will? A Swiffer Sweeper...and you don't have one of those!" Do you think he might have a career in sales?

1 comment:

Kellye said...

LOL! I wish you had a secret camera in your house so that I could just tune in whenever I wanted to watch Jake do this stuff. I swear he's like a 40 year old man inside that little body! Okay...that whole thing sounded a wee bit stalkerish..ummmm...yeah.