Tuesday, May 20, 2008

More About Me

maybe i should let my hair grow back out...or maybe not...I think about this constantly.

i love the smell of Jake's freshly washed hair.

people would say that I'm very easy to get along with.

when i wake up in the morning I want to roll over and go back to sleep.

i lost my willpower...I can't think of anything for this one! I've got plenty of willpower!

life is short...we should not assume that there will be a tomorrow

my past is just that, my past...I've learned from it and I let it stay in the past.

i get annoyed when people are so eager to talk that they don't take the time to listen.

parties are fun!!!

dogs are fantastic...at least mine are...

cats are extremely annoying. I can't stand cats...sorry to all you cat lovers out there.

tomorrow is not guaranteed...as stated above.

i have low tolerance for stupid people.

i’m totally terrified of losing Jake...literally losing him...this is why he still rides in the buggy at Wal-mart.

i wonder why i ended up with the best husband anyone could ever ask for. I don't deserve him!

never in my life have i tried any sort of illegal drug...just not my thing.

high school was okay most of the time but I would not do it again.

when i’m nervous I can't sit still.

one time at a family gathering we all had too much to drink...happens at a lot of family gatherings...on my side of the family anyway!

live each day like there will be no tomorrow...haven't we been over this like 3 times already??

making my bed is something that has to be done before I can leave the house in the morning.

i'm almost always in a good mood...it's hard to get me down.

i’m addicted to running...


Kellye said...

And it is because of all of those above-stated opinions and viewpoints on life that I love me some Larslie!!!! Seriously! I heart Leslie! Except for maybe the cat part....come on and give the love to those crazy felines....wish you could have met Finn and Menew...they might have changed your mind.

Anonymous said...
